Bush is totally getting served
Wow... snarky liveblog will be posted soon!
Crystal: Who's that douchebag?
ohh... Robert Novak --
Read the entire transcript here.
More fun clips and observations over at Republican mouthpiece Oliver Willis.
a) If you're posting it "soon", it's not a liveblog!
b) Served - where "served"="kicking Kerry's ass".
Mitch: whatever -- what the hell channel are you watching?!?!
If you don't acknolwedge that Bush comes out of this looking like a fucking idiot, you need to take that pillow off your head.
...in case he didn't make it painfully clear, Bush thinks Kerry is a flip-flopper.
I enjoyed the moment near the end of the debate when Dubya had nothing scripted to say and Jim had to coax him to say SOMETHING, anything...
Mark - Glad to see you also thought of Dr. John!
Sorry.... I was feisty and tipsy. :-)
Mea culpa!
So much for fair and balanced... wait... I guess my coverage wasn't exactly fair and balanced either. But, you didn't have to make Bush look like a back woods hick, he's kept this country from being attacked again. Pretty good record on homeland security... no attacks since 9/11. Compared to the Democrat's (Clinton/Gore) record (world trade center towers attack #1, embassy's, blackhawk down, the attack on the Cole... all they could come up with was a lame cruise missile attack on an asparin factory and a bunch of promises to press charges if they could catch Bin Laden, and then when they had the chance they turned it down because they didn't have any conclusive evidence). Kerry's record isn't a whole lot better considering he's voted against every major weapons system we're using in the war on terror (including the $87 billion to provide armor for the humvee's he talked about tonight). Ahh, then we have the "I'll re-build our alliances" BS, he sure has a funny way of doing that considering one his staff members called Iraqi PM Allawi a puppet I'd say President Bush has hit that one out of the park. But, we'll let America decide that one on November 2nd.
It's true, i did not go to bed last night... hardcore editing on the Blogumentary. Mitch, please come back, I didn't mean it. You can even wear the pillow on your head!
Jim... this is us, having a good time, unfiltered. Comedic brutality? GUILTY!
Understood, I guess I could make a remark about respect for the office of the President, but, I guess we all need to have some fun every once and awhile. I just wanted to throw some facts into the standup routine... didn't mean to kill the party...
"Me: Doesn't Bush's performance here reveal that he has never been in control of the executive office? He can't even remotely speak to any of these issues. Wait....he can't even remotely fucking TALK PERIOD!"
Got that fuckin' shit right dude! It's like, ya know, duh, like some fucking tiny douchbag dudes and chicks don't know the English fucking language.
Like they are ah, fuck, ya know, they can't find the fucking words to get the semen out of their douchbags.
Know what I mean?
Relax Swifter, you're frothing at the mouth.
Has anyone else noticed how Swiftee has stopped trying to debate people on this site, and now has to rely on petty sarcasm?
I love the debate blogging. I have gotten sick of the more tradition point by point analysis.
By the way... did anyone else see Andrew Sullivan's great line: "No president who has presided over Abu Ghraib should ever say he wants to put anyone on a leash."
Pretty good record on homeland security... no attacks since 9/11.Yeah, one colossal attack on the United States per term is a record of which to be proud! Thank god he's come around to help stop A SECOND one. (I wonder how many years it takes to train pilots, since none of the original trainees "walked away" from mission "I believe it was titled 'Bin Laden determined to strike within the United States'"?)
Thanks for the compliment. My point wasn't so much that Bush has not alienated some of our allies.... I know he has, and to suggest anything else would be dishonest. However, it seems the allies he has alienated are the same ones that are neck deep in UNSCAM (better known as the oil for food program), and because of that, it's obvious they had their own interests in mind when they refused to support our military action. Furthermore, I don't see why we need France's (or anyone elses) permission to protect ourselves from terrorists.
I don't think that some of the things John Kerry has done lately have helped to rebuild alliances either. For example, calling the 30 nations that are helping us "the coalition of the coerced and bribed", or, sending his sister to Australia to tell the people that PM Howards alliance with the US has made them more of a target, or, as I mentioned earlier, one of his staffers calling Allawi a puppet.
Iraq may not have been an immediate threat, but, he was a threat to the security of the US and the region. He has been involved in supporting Islamofacist terror for quite some time. Remember, quite some time before the invasion, he was voluntering to give a large dollar amount to the family of any suicide bomber who attacked Israel or the US. Remember, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi left Afghanistan after being wounded, went to Iraq to have his leg treated in a hospital run by Saddam Hussein, and remains today as a terrorist leader.
As far as your claim that Kerry does not want France's permission to protect the US. This Claim is completely different from what he has said repetedly in his campaign. Just last week in the foreign policy debate, he made reference to any action having to past a "Global Test". I don't know how he's going to pass a global test if he keeps alienating key allies.
A correction to my above comment: The hospital that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was treated at was run (and very closely supervised) by Uday Hussein, who was one of Saddam's (twisted) sons.
There's actually some question regarding Saddam's connection to Zarqawi, you can read about it here. This only came out Monday, but the first like is fairly telling... "A new CIA assessment undercuts the White House claim that Saddam Hussein maintained ties to al Qaeda, saying there is no conclusive evidence that the regime harbored terrorist Abu Musab al Zarqawi, U.S. officials said Monday."
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