Honey, I shrunk the Iraqi police force
Something Joe Biden said caught my eye the other day.
He said that:
In fact, to the best of my knowledge -- in my trips there recently, my staff trips there just a couple weeks ago, talking with General Petraeus -- not one single, solitary Iraqi policeman has completed the 24-week training course on the ground," Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware said on CBS's "Face the Nation."
I thought, "Now, that's probably hyperbole." There might be some truth to it, but c'mon. There has to be at least one that has completed the training course. But the evidence has yet to appear.
Then I see this story creep out this morning:
Bush claim on training of Iraqis disputed
Pentagon documents and Democratic congressional sources dispute President Bush's claim, made Saturday, that nearly 100,000 "fully trained and equipped" Iraqi soldiers, police officers and other security personnel are at work, Reuters said yesterday. The Pentagon documents show that of the nearly 90,000 people now in the police force, only 8,169 have had the full eight-week academy training. Another 46,176 are listed as "untrained," and it will be July 2006 before the administration reaches its goal of a 135,000-strong, fully trained police force.
Thing is, on September 10, Rumsfeld was saying that they have 95,000 fully trained and equipped Iraqi troops. And in June he claimed that 206,000 Iraqi security forces were at work.
By now I should be used to the numerical gymnastics of George Bush. But let me tell you, I am not used to it. Every single one of the President's budgets grossly underestimated the deficit. He missrepresented the cost of the Medicare Bill by half. He underestimated the cost of the war by what, a trillion dollars? He campaigns on strong, resolute leadership. That kind of leadership doesn't allow facts to overcome reality. Certainly, the small fact that the entire Iraqi Police force does not exist in no way stops the President from saying it exists. Why would it?
Bush's supporters seem ready to make any excuse for his "patriotic management of the truth." Not only do they accept these egregious lies, they gobble them down like bannana splits and spit them back as the very reasons they support him - Strong, Decisive, Resolute.
When will Republicans stop rewarding the President's dishonesty? How can members of our government go on national TV and tell people, the world in point of fact, that they have trained 200,000 Police Officers when they have only trained 8,600? There is no reasonable excuse for a lie of that magnitude. If it isn't a lie, in other words, if Rumsfeld and the President didn't know that their numbers were wrong, there is no reasonable excuse for that magnitude of incompetence.
Back when my oldest son was two years old he used to run around in his underpants with a cape around his neck pretending he was Batman. I didn't have the heart to tell him he wasn't really the caped crusader. No harm done if he thinks he's a superhero for a while, right?
Well folks, George Bush is running around the world in his president suit and a cape made out of the American flag telling everybody he saved Iraq. It's pure fantasy, a fantasty that is costing lives, national integrity and our financial well being. It's high time we gave him a time out.
I totally would've titled this post "The Incredibly Shrinking Iraqi Police Force" ;)
Note sexy new title! Thanks, Luke.
Veeery clever Chris. You're demonstrating the technique that your accusing the Bush admin. of using right?
Sure, when someone says "FULLY TRAINED AND EQUIPPED" what they really mean is (from your second link)
"He said about 95,000 Iraqi troops have been trained and equipped, among 205,000 on the payroll."
Now the difference is subtle..unless one reads the other link you provided which says:
"During a trip to Asia last week Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said that the Iraqis are not "yet ready to take over all security functions," reports the Washington Times."
Oh, oh! How come Don?
"They're uneven in their training. They're uneven in their equipment. They have yet to develop a chain of command that runs up through Iraqis all the way to the top."
(I was supposed to read the links wasn't I, or does that spoil the trick?)
You crack me up. the point is that Rummy said they were at work. Not only weren't they at work, they weren't even in school. They weren't even signed up. They weren't even identified. They did not yet exist and they don't still.
I guess you could call that "uneven training" if you want to. I call it a lie.
Ahhh, now I'm getting it!
We're supposed to go to the links, but not read stuff like:
"An official who works with Petraeus said the 95,000 figure is accurate and includes police and military personnel."
"Capt. Steven Alvarez, who works with Petraeus, said there were slightly more than 96,000 trained and equipped police and army personnel."
"Alvarez said he did not know whether the police in that figure have completed the 24 weeks of field training."
"He could not immediately say whether the police included in that figure have gone through the 24-week field training regimen, which follows eight weeks of classroom training."
And we probably shouldn't even admit to skimming past quotes like:
"Rumsfeld acknowledged that the administration had previously been saying 206,000 Iraqi security forces were at work."
"We figure we may still have that many people on the rolls. But of the ones that are trained and equipped, the number now looks to be, the latest number -- last week it was 105,000 -- now it looks to be 95,000, that is to say that are trained and equipped."
'Cause that sounds pretty much like what Rumsfeld was saying in the other link I wasn't supposed to read, right?
And stuff like this is just the figment of someone's imagination:
"Biden, a frequent critic of the Bush administration.."
Hey thanks Lorika and Chris!
With your helpful tips and a handful of Darvon I might just become a most excellent Democratic pundit too!
Swiftee, you are still cracking me up.
Yes, read the links. Read all the links. The continue to select the lines that we supposedly "don't want to you to see/read" and post them.
You are making a nice, neat itemized list of the lies, inconsitencies and spin I wrote about in the original post.
As I am sure you will agree, acknowledging a lie doesn't actually change the fact of the lie. Who cares if Rumsfeld/Bush acknowledges they put out the 200,000 number last week/month? He and Bush were still either lying or incompetent nincompoops when they said it.
Actually Chris, I've made a nice, neat itemized list of the inconsitencies and spin you wrote in the original post.
Thanks for noticing, and carry on!
BTW, I have to say that I'm all the way on-board with moveon.org's latest action item.
I'd love nothing better than to have Damn Blather appear in prime time clutching another set of falsified documents.
Especially since this report has met CBS' standards for accuracy --it's true!!
No joshing this time.
The RNC couldn't copy like that with all of George Soros's dough LOL!
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