
Hitchens remembers Falwell

Hitchens rather acerbic eulogy to Jerry Falwell.

For the most part, I agree with him.


At 1:04 PM, Blogger AngryYoungMan said...

hitchens is such a jackass that it is hard to listen to anything he says. he's slowly sliding into angry conservative territory, and despite him trying to hold on to his radical cred on topics such as the religious right, in 10 years he'll be the new david horowitz...

At 3:53 PM, Blogger Chris Dykstra said...

It's entirely possible. His social skills are lacking. I don't think he's as unhinged as The horrorwitz, though. He isn't an activist, per se, or so prone to conspiracy theories (aka the network.)

He's more of a really smart, angry drunk. I kind of like the way he went mano a mano, jackass V. jackass when he was talking with Hannity, though.

And...I agree with him on this one.


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