Kerry Kerfuffle
There's quite a bit of distraction over Kerry's botched joke ("not smart = stuck in Iraq"). He said it, so he's got to take the heat. However, don't ignore the context. He preceded that statement with a Bush joke, and apparently makes this joke all the time:
"I can't overstress the importance of a great education. Do you know where you end up if you don't study, if you aren't smart, if you're intellectually lazy? You end up getting us stuck in a war in Iraq."
Ha, ha. I wish he'd make it more clear this was a botched joke, and release what he meant to say. It wasn't even mentioned in the NY Times story.
Obviously, being a veteran and advocate for soldiers is a huge part of who he is and was criticized for making too much of it in his presidential campaign. It's ridiculous that right-wing bloggers are trying to say Kerry has a pattern of hating soldiers, or that this silly slipup somehow reveals Democrats' secret hatred of the military.
Bush lashes out, Kerry comes out swinging, and it's a 2004-style war of the words once again. Can we get back to 2006, please?
John Kerry is a piece of shit, and no amount of parsing by lefty morons will ever convince decent American families of anything else.
But by all means, feel free to continue your inane blather to your hearts content.
That's lovely, thanks for your comment.
Seriously - can we get back to 2006?
You mean 1984 don't you? Oceania is our ally..right?
Dirt bags like John Kerry and his ilk have irrevocably split this country into Americans and "others".
"Others"? You mean, like in Lost?
I think the mentality behind all your comments is more responsible for the divisiveness in America than any one individual (or group of Swift Boat Vets). And it's a mentality that permeates many corners of talk radio and partisan blogs.
"Others" as in the unattended children in "Lord of the Flies".
Meanwhile: Kerry not campaigning in Mankato after making controversial comment
Kerry is completely irrelavent. He's a lousy campaigner and he clearly misspoke.
It's fascinating to me to watch the bushittas fall all over themselves running to the megaphone to keep the insult alive. They won't rest until every last corner in the country is painted with their poison. It's the only way their sorry, incompetent, empty-suited legions can score any points at all.
Decent familys are in the process of flushing the GOP down the toilet, my friend. It's long overdue.
That does it. I'm voting for Chris Dykstra.
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