
Meet the Real Michele Bachmann: Vote for me because Jesus told me to run

This is a little old, but bears another look. Here's the real Bachmann. The one you won't see in her ads or her campaign appearances - except those campaign appearances in church. I forget, who are they supposed to be worshipping again?

I have often said that Bachman is the most dangerous candidate in Minnesota. Folks, we don't want people who believe they are ordained by God to make the laws. We don't want a fasting Michelle Bachman with her fingers on any buttons. It couldn't be clearer: The GOP is the party of Michele Bachmann and that's a dangerous thing for the nation and for Minnesota.

Thanks to Dump Bachmann.


At 12:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bachmann is clearly insane... Democrats protect children... as evidenced by Bachmann's wait and see statements about the House leadership... she and Republicans clearly protect their own.

Shame on her for all her contradictions, lies and hate.

Heres a link for Bachmann and all her supporters:


see what they've done to Iraq.

At 8:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Despite (or in many cases because of) the full court press that the DFL and it's sycophants have mounted against her, she is going to be one outstanding US Congresswoman!

It's a bonus to know just how much angst it will cause the left to have Michele in congress.

At 9:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Democrats protect children.."


Tell that to the thousands of kids who hit the streets functionally illiterate and unable to solve the most rudimentary of math problems after having spent 12 years (if they actually last that long) languishing in DFL owned public schools.

Democrats line their pockets with money gained at the expense of the dreary futures of the children they were entrusted with.

Makes me want to vomit.

At 4:20 PM, Blogger Chris Dykstra said...

Did you actually watch the video, Swiftee?

She wouldn't like your lifestyle.

At 6:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you think you know about my lifestyle?

At 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think what Jesus meant when he told Michele to run, was to run away.

At 2:17 AM, Blogger Bill Tuomala said...

God told Bachmann to run, but He didn't say that she'd win.

God has a sense of humor: case in point - he wants us to laugh at the wackjob candidate Michele Bachmann.

At 9:30 AM, Blogger Tony Garcia said...

"we don't want people who believe they are ordained by God to make the laws."

I agree, but not out of anything against those religions. I agree because of those people I have run into. More often than not they are of the mentality that the Bible should be our law...in other words, our laws should be non-secular. And the kind of government that steps towards (theocracy) is, in my view, as oppressive of individual freedom as socialism or communism. Also, is in conflict with the founders intentions and words.

What makes it more scary is that in order to make laws that are based entirely (or predominately) on a religious doctrine means you must be of 1 of 2 mindsets. Either the Bible (or whatever doctrine is the source) is to be taken literally OR the Bible is to be taken literally in some spots and figuratively in others. The former...not a good world to live in. And there would be too many conflicts to enact that with any harmony. The latter is impossible to agree upon and would result in different religious factions fighting for not only their interpretations but in essence their religious beliefs in whole.

Either way...not a good place to be in.


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