
Live Boy

Looks like (former) Rep. Foley has been caught with the proverbial live boy. Say hello to Representative Tim Mahoney.

Now, personally, I think 16 year olds are generally mature enough to decide about matters of sex for themselves. (And if you don't agree...tough, they are anyway!) But adults using positions of power over minors is wrong. And there's something just sick about a Congressman hitting on his pages.

And worst of all: the House Republican leadership knew about it for almost a year. And they did nothing. They hid this information from Democrats. They protected a child predator...apparently because he was a Republican.

At long last, gentlemen, have you no shame?


At 8:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"(And if you don't agree...tough, they are anyway!)"

Well, I guess that settles it, then.

You are, as it happens, so wrong that light leaving "right" at this moment will reach us long after you are dead.

At 8:49 AM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

i'm not sure 16 year-olds are mature enough to decide about matters of sex for themselves... i mean, i'm just getting a handle on this whole sex thing myself... but at 16 you're certainly not sexually naive. some cultures consider you an adult when you're of breeding age. our society has decided the age of 18 makes you an adult, but obviously nothing magical happens on your 18th birthday (uhh, unless you're lucky.)

what Mahoney did was obviously sick and wrong. but the IM transcript shows, at the very least, that the kid wanted to talk about sex with someone.

At 10:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was Foley who sent the IM's. Mahoney is his Democratic challenger who will surely be the next Representitive.

At 12:42 PM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

oops! these politicians, you know, can't tell 'em apart. heh heh.


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