
Iraq takes control of military from U.S.

This might be a good thing - if it's real. A competent, uncorrupt, well-organized and uninfiltrated Iraqi army would allow most of our troops to come home.

Though it's a step in the right direction, it can be called "gigantic" yet. The Iraqi military isn't the only army competing for control of the country, it is small, infiltrated and ill-prepared.

I am sure that this will form one pillar in the revisionist view of why the US invaded Iraq. We did so, see, to remove Saddam and enable the common Iraqi to take the helm of the good ship Iraq and steer it through the revolutionary mine field towards democracy and freedom. I am sure we will hear Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney trumpet this "success" even as the carnage continues and the war creeps into its fourth year. Even through the haze of lies, exaaggerations and election-cycle puffery - I think it's a good thing or would be if it were real, which remains to be seen.


At 7:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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