
Terrorism vs. Risk Analysis

Imagine Mr. Spock as both dance historian and political scientist, and you get John Mueller, whose essay A False Sense of Security? is one of the most sensible reactions to terrorism I've read in months (sponsored by the Cato Institute, no less!). It should be read by all who scratch their heads as airport queues grow, mouthwash samples get tossed into bins, and moms taste baby formula for TSA goons. Mueller's premise is as follows:

  • Assessed in broad but reasonable context, terrorism generally does not do much damage.
  • The costs of terrorism very often are the result of hasty, ill-considered, and overwrought reactions.

    He goes on with a rational analysis that follows the old flying-is-safer-than-driving argument: stats show that terrorism kills few, but spooks many. The conclusion is sensible: "Terrorists can be defeated simply by not being terrified -- that is, anything that enhances fear simply gives in to them." I would add that anything that enhances fear feeds the leathery Republican parasites, whose overreaching power has pissed off even the Cato Institute.

    In November, you should cast your vote with all of this in mind.


    At 9:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Sept 11 only killed 3000 people, crippled our airlines and staggered our economy. but hey, if we have Mark tell the story it's no big deal. And really, it's our reaction that's the real problem. Hey marky, If i was a betting man, I would have to believe that last weeks thwart of a another big attack probably dissapointed you. i say that with the utmost sincerity.

    Scott k.

    At 10:47 PM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

    You're not getting it Scott. Terrorism is meant to instill terror, i.e. fear, through random acts of violence. The perception of danger is far, far greater than the actual risk. That's why terrorism works. This in no way diminishes the tragedy of terrorism, or 9/11. The point here is to say "We are not afraid." And the sad fact is, this administration's response to terrorism is... more fear, because they gain politically and economically. It's awful.

    Watch this video.

    At 8:52 PM, Blogger Mark D. said...

    Hey marky, If i was a betting man, I would have to believe that last weeks thwart of a another big attack probably dissapointed you. i say that with the utmost sincerity.

    Scott, Good thing you're not a betting man, else you'd be wearing a barrel now... However, I'm still skeptical about the thwart, and the potential attack. I understand the alleged terrorists intended to mix piranha bath (hydrogen peroxide and sulfuric acid) with acetone, thus producing explosions. If this is true (documentation is shaky) then the terrosists were clearly very dumb, or (and this could be very scary) just a decoy to divert resources and attention away from a *real* plot. Who knows? I vote that they were dumb and reckless. Planes would have safely landed at JFK with severely burned and acetone-spattered terrorists getting dragged out the airplane bathroom, is my guess.

    Back to your point, if our economy was so "crippled" by 9/11 then how is it that wealth creation has soared, and wealthy people have gotten unspeakably wealthier, since then (cf. the record-breaking profits of oil companies)? Plus vice stocks (cigs, booze, porn, arms) have absolutely soared since 9/11 which suggests that terrorism actually helps the economy.


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