No Endorsement for AG
The DFL State Central Committee meets Saturday to endorse -- or not endorse -- a new candidate for Attorney General.
I hope the SCC will vote for no endorsement. All the candidates will be on the ballot no matter what, and that only one candidate is actively seeking the endorsement.
The DFL delegates already picked a candidate for AG at the State Convention. He turned out to be not such a good choice after all, but I don't think it's right for the SCC to make the choice in the name of all the delegates who will not get to decide the second time around.
I don't have a preference in this race yet, but I think all the candidates are fine Democrats and would make a good AG.
Finally, I think a contested primary is good for the candidates and good for the party. Just look at what's happening in the 5th District. Keith Ellison is running into some major kinks. If he gets them worked out, he'll deserve a seat in Congress. Let the best campaigner win.
Oh -- and if you do endorse, do some background checks, for the Party's sake!
(I have been taking a little break from political blogging. And now, I return to that break...
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