
Tax-dodgers redux

Per Lorika's request below, here is a public list of Minnesota's delinquent taxpayers. [via Paul Demko]


At 11:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was there a listing of publically traded companies?

These all seem to be DBAs and individuals.

There's also a lot of older stuff on the list here. Especially for individuals. I wonder how many of them are people who left the state already and since they are no longer resident haven't bothered to address these.

At 5:58 PM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

That does it - I'm not using Cedar Towing until they pay their taxes. Err, not that I'd have a choice...

At 10:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was discussing this with a friend of mine and he raised a good point. Public companies file SEC paperwork quarterly, and if they were delinquent and didn't disclose, that'd be fraud (another crime besides tax evasion.)

If they do disclose they get punished in the market.

He also mentioned Enron. Ironically, he told me that after Enron's bubble burst, they actually got back a lot of taxes they had overpaid based on the "profits" that weren't there.

Anyway, the long and the short of it is that public companies don't get delinquent.

I am kind of cheesed about Cedar Towing, doesn't Mpls use them? You'd think they'd stop until they were right.

At 7:53 AM, Blogger Mark D. said...

Actually Chuck, by using Cedar Towing, you may be helping them to pay their delinquent taxes: so park your car in as many illegal places you can find!

At 8:22 AM, Blogger MNObserver said...

Chuck raises a point: Does Cedar Towing do towing for any governmental body? Why should a tax scofflaw get public contracts?

At 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw a 60 minutes program a while back that was about companies with huge government contracts that haven't paid taxes in 7 to 10 years, but still continue to get contracts. The reason or excuse they gave was the dept. that hands out these contracts doesn't have this info available to them. I can't remember if it was a legal issue or a laziness (not my job issue).

Scott k

At 5:12 PM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

This Cedar Towing business might be worth pursuing. I haven't found anything confirming they have a contract with the City of Minneapolis, but I did find a couple other things. One - this used to have a lobbyist! Isn't that strange?


Then there's this, from mnforum:

I just called a few towing companies and here's what I found.

If Cedar Towing tows your car from a private lot for lack of payment the
fee they gave me over the phone is $225.00

I called three other companies and said my car had broken down and
needed to be towed to my house 10 miles away. "How much?" I asked.

Extreme Towing - $65.00 plus $3.00/mile (they'd be there in 45 minutes)

D & D Towing - $45.00 plus $2.00/mile (and they'd come right away)

Dukes Towing - $65.00 flat fee (and they'd come right away)

At 9:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only contract Cedar Towing has with any government body, is with Mpls Public Housing Authority. Any vehicle towed from an MPHA lot is charged $125.00 plus storage if applicable.

At 6:25 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Duke's towing looks like Tijuana. They do not file anything i promise you .


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