Christian flag
There have been a number of articles over the last couple of years that have begun to detail the rise of the Dominionists - people who believe that Christians have been called to take over the US Government. These people do not belive in Separation of Church and State, rather the believe the first amendment exists to clear the way for Christians to lead. They believe that Gay Sex and abortion should be a felony,that public schools should be abolished. They view themselves as a persecuted minority pitted against an aggressive, oppressive secular movement. They want to purify America and prepare it for the return of Jesus.
The most detailed is Katherin Yurica's The Despoiling of America, How George W. Bush became the head of the new American Dominionist Church/State The Guardian cast a jaundiced eye towards the movement in Their beliefs are bonkers, but they are at the heart of power
This month's Rolling Stone has a story on the Dominionist confab last February. I am reading along, not really learning anything new. There's Richard Land, check. There's a fountain of hypocrisy about impeaching activist judges while desperately working to appoint them. Check. There's James Kennedy giving us the fascist lowdown:
Our job is to reclaim America for Christ, whatever the cost," Kennedy says. "As the vice regents of God, we are to exercise godly dominion and influence over our neighborhoods, our schools, our government, our literature and arts, our sports arenas, our entertainment media, our news media, our scientific endeavors -- in short, over every aspect and institution of human society.
Then I get to something new. I am reading along and there it is: The really scary bit:
In the conference's opening ceremony, the Dominionists recite an oath they dream of hearing in every classroom: "I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag, and to the Savior for whose kingdom it stands. One Savior, crucified, risen and coming again, with life and liberty for all who believe.
It is time for the center in this country to become passionate about holding on to everything the center stands for - The fundamental understanding of freedom that says - "I might not agree with you but I will fight to the death for your right to believe as you do." It will be a long fight and the center should give no quarter. None. Otherwise, one day a Government Preacher will stroll into your School/House/Business/Bedroom/Restaurant/Movie Theatre/Capitol/Library and demand that you pledge allegiance to the Christian flag. You will wonder how he got there.
[update: I accidentally switched off comments when I published this thing...Sorry!]
Americans United is a favorite of mine. You'd like this release:
Centrists stand up and be heard!
I've been meaning to post about a letter I got in the mail urging financial support for anti-gay Bishop Keith Butler to run for Senate in Michigan.
Among his supporters, Brookyln Park-based pastor/televangelist Mac Hammond, whose many products you can find at the "END TIMES & PROPHESY PRODUCTS STORE." He wants us to give Butler money so he "would be a voice in Washington able to speak clearly for the purposes of God."
Yeah. Faith is a wonderful thing, but let's keep religious fanatics claiming to speak for God out of Washington? Please?
Even better is a letter from wacko televangelist Kenneth Copeland. He's a whole lotta crazy, but one crazy I particularly enjoy is that God wants you to help him buy a new private jet. But check out what his letter says:
"I have heard the Lord by His Spirit say several times [...] 'I have taken over the politics and the politicians.' We certainly saw a dramatic demosntration of that in Nov 2004. however, that election was just the beginning of something even greater around the world, especially here in the U.S.
I also heard the Spirit say, 'America's place as a nation is coming to its fullest and hinest hour. Not only as THE military power, but as the source and supllly of the Gospel.'
Bishop Keith Butler is just such a man. The Holy Ghost has been grooming him to become a U.S. Senator [...] They are a new breed. Politics has never seen anything like [Bishop Keith and Deborah Butler] before."
And so on. These end-timers are a radical minority. We centrists (we are centrist compared to them!) need to shout loud and clear that the flag represents all religions, all people of this country - and we will NOT let a radical fringe cult hijack our flag our or country.
Forgive my typos above.... "source and supply of the Gospel."
"the flag represents all religions, all people of this country - and we will NOT let a radical fringe cult hijack our flag our or country."
That's why we need a few judges to set aside the will of all those people and advance a leftist agenda!
The facts are,
There aren't enough of these nutjobs to really matter.
The massive majority of people are against same sex marriage.
The will of those people is being ignored.
Even in MN, the whole defense of marriage thing is just about having a referendum. Letting the people decide.
What ever happened to "Count every vote!" If you really thought you were centrist on this, why wouldn't you welcome that?
"Faith is a wonderful thing, but let's keep religious fanatics claiming to speak for God out of Washington?"
Why you gotta make Ralph Reed cry?
Umm...I've run in many Christian circles and I have never heard of the Dominionist's. If we fear everytime an extremeist person says something, how does that help?
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