

It looks like there will be a recount in Ohio, thanks to the Green Party Candidate, David Cobb, and the Libertarian Party candidate, Michael Badnarik.

I do not expect the election results to change, but any exploration of voting irregularities is a good thing - at least if the Republicans can stop playing with the rules. Now, on to Florida...


At 8:56 AM, Blogger Chris Dykstra said...

It's actually not the Dems who are requesting it. It's the Greens and the Libertarians.

If it exposes fruad - Democratic, Republican whatever - I am for it.

We have to have utterly transparent voting in this country.

At 9:02 AM, Blogger Chris Dykstra said...

I would add, however, that there is no true evidence whatsoever of Democratic voter fraud in Ohio or elsewhere. There is some pretty convicting evidence of Republican voter suppression.

So I challenge your first two lines up there, decaf, that isn't true.

At 1:13 PM, Blogger tom.elko said...

You know, they didn't think there was anything to Watergate at first... I'm not willing to cross that line and say there were gross abuses of the system, but I think a thorough examination is the appropriate step to resolve any lingering doubt.

The best thing I could imagine coming out of this is for county and, perhaps, even state officials who may have taken part in nefarious activities being caught. Certainly the actions of the Sec of State in Ohio, and MN for that matter, raised a few eyebrows. It is the job of these individuals, above all, to ensure free and fair elections take place, but it seems that they would also be the most likely sources of any wrong doing.

We haven't had a clean election in Lord knows how long, but its about time.

At 2:34 PM, Blogger Luke Francl said...

Decaf9, I haven't seen any evidence of Democratic voter fraud.

If you can't ante up, I'll just assume you're bullshitting.

In my personal experience, every group I was involved with during this election made a scrupulous effort to obey every election law.

At 4:15 PM, Blogger ryan said...

Aren't we comparing apples to acorns (sorry!) here? There's a difference between submitting fake voter registration cards and supressing voters from exercising their right to vote. Both are most certainly wrong and should be punished, but Nuradin Abdi and Mary Poppins were never going to show up at the polls. Many of those sort of registration forms were caught beforehand. I don't think the case is the same for voter suppression.

I would submit that this investigation is necessary, overdue, and ultimatley a good thing, but it needs to be done in a bipartisan commission, not like this.I'll agree with that, though I think an investigation by a bipartisian commision should be done in addition to the recount as Cobb and Badnarik are exercising their right to ask for a recount to take place. It just seems like there have been enough oddities in Ohio voting that it would be a good idea to go back and recount the votes and make it as transparent as possible.


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