Jesse endorses Kerry. Sort of.
After hearing of Jesse Ventura's bizarre endorsement of John Kerry at an event at the State Capitol today, I must say this: The Body is a genius at manipulating the media.
Nothing like standing silently in front of the press to get everyone talking...
Jesse Ventura is the perfect example of what is great about this country. A no talent, boy in a mans body freek show, Can become financially wealthy on the tax payers dime. I guess your right, he is a genius. I wouldn't celebrate his endorsement, could be the kiss of death. Kinda like a Al gore endorsement.
I don't think the Ventura "endoresement" is being celebrated... I find it to be more of a novelty than anything.
As far as it being the "kiss of death," don't count on it. Ventura is old news, friend.
I wonder how long the Jack Sparrow/Pirates of the Caribbean look will last for the Body?
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