
Jesse endorses Kerry. Sort of.

After hearing of Jesse Ventura's bizarre endorsement of John Kerry at an event at the State Capitol today, I must say this: The Body is a genius at manipulating the media.

Nothing like standing silently in front of the press to get everyone talking...


At 8:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesse Ventura is the perfect example of what is great about this country. A no talent, boy in a mans body freek show, Can become financially wealthy on the tax payers dime. I guess your right, he is a genius. I wouldn't celebrate his endorsement, could be the kiss of death. Kinda like a Al gore endorsement.

At 9:14 AM, Blogger ryan said...

I don't think the Ventura "endoresement" is being celebrated... I find it to be more of a novelty than anything.

As far as it being the "kiss of death," don't count on it. Ventura is old news, friend.

I wonder how long the Jack Sparrow/Pirates of the Caribbean look will last for the Body?


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