Emanuel cuts to the chase
Cheney says he isn't part ot the executive branch. Rahm Emanuel (D-IL) says no money for you!
6/25/2007Emanuel cuts to the chaseCheney says he isn't part ot the executive branch. Rahm Emanuel (D-IL) says no money for you! The war you usually don't see...If you have the stomach for it, this is a brutal, but maddeningly honest photo essay on the war on Iraq. 6/22/2007Cheney is un-American
Cheney asserted in 2003 that the Office of the Vice President is not part of the Executive Branch and is, therefore, not subject to executive orders. 6/20/2007Email scandal just the tip of the iceberg
The reason this is such an important scandal is because it is the very heart of how a government becomes tied to one political party. Computer systems in general, but particularly email, is the central nervous system of any modern organization. When the servers are off the books and being run out a political office, it means that the soul of the government is no longer "by the people, for the people..." It's by the republicans, for the republicans. If one were, to say, manipulate the terror warning system to blunt the impact of negative news, this is how you would do it. If you were a Secretary of State of a swing state, and you wanted to collude with the party in power to tilt the election, as Kenneth Blackwell may have done in Ohio in 2004, this is how you would do it. OECD to workers worldwide: "make the best of it"Although I have my ideological problems with the OECD, I've always admired its clarity of vision and practical approach (cf. their task force on spam). So I'm gratified to read that the new OECD Employment Outlook bluntly states what we anti-globalization types have been repeating for years, workers are getting screwed: The report pointed to a "remarkable" fall in the share of wages of national income in OECD member countries in the past couple of decades. Japanese wages have fallen by around a quarter as a share of GDP in the past 30 years, while they have dropped 13% in the 15 wealthier European Union countries and 7% in the United States, the report showed.
6/06/2007Headlines from the War on Sanity
Cheney - lies to high school kids, takes nap 6/01/2007The secret governement
The Bushies continue to blaze new trails in their destruction of the American tradition of transparent government. That's your government by the way. They seem to want to fight the war on terror by working to deprive us of the freedoms "they" supposedly hate us for. No freedom, no war. Get it? FDA to people: Profit is more important that your healthLet's get this straight...The FDA is moving to PREVENT full testing of US Beef for Mad Cow. |