Let's cut Social Security Benefits!
Forty-five Fifty Republicans just voted against a sense of the Senate resolution that states:
It is the sense of the Senate that Congress should reject any Social Security plan that requires deep benefit cuts or a massive increase in debt.
Sense of the Senate resolutions don't really mean any thing, but could 45 50 Republicans seriously be so foolish? They've just said they're open to a Social Security plan that will cause "deep benefit cuts" or a "massive increase in debt" or both.
Update: Fixed the number of Republicans who against the resolution. My fault, I guess I'm stuck in the pre-2002 Senate when it was 50/50 (minus 5 = 45). Sigh, if only it were true...
The article shows 50 Repubs and technically that means the amendment is rejected. Is that really the statement they GOP wanted to make to a fridgid public?!?
The roll call
YEA (50)
All Dems plus:
Jeffords (I-VT)
DeWine (R-OH)
Graham (R-SC)
Collins (R-ME)
Snowe (R-ME)
Specter (R-PA)
NAY (50)
The rest of the Republicans
I'm parting company with you guys on this one. I've looked at the math and I have two things to say about social security.
First, its not. (The first clue I found is that all Federal employees have a pension.) Its a pittance.
Second its hugely inefficent. The amount that goes in versus the amount out is pitiful. The only sort of comparable investment instrument is a mattress.
I figured what I was putting in in constant dollars from when I first started contributing, and calculating ahead to my retirement, and I'm getting ripped off.
I'd much rather scrap the whole program after looking at it. I'm also having trouble understanding how the "its not going to be a crisis for 40 years" arguement addresses these issues. Having a bomb in the backyard for 40 years isn't a good idea even though its not due to go off.
Ahhhh, but that is the problem. It is NOT an investment program, it is INSURANCE!! Do you cancel you car insurance because you don't have a claim. Home owners, renters, health. Don't fall for the Right wing spin that implies this is some sort of investment portfolio.
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