
Milestones for Victory; Moving towards full Iraqi Sovereignty

I agree with President Bush (and countless other commentators for that matter) that it is counterproductive to set a timetable for withdrawal of US troops from Iraq. The militants will just bide their time and wait for us to leave, and then strike hard against the new government.

However, unless we are going to be in Iraq forever, we need some milestones for victory. What are the criteria that need to be satisfied for US troops to withdraw?

You can hear the crickets chirping.

We need an exit strategy for Iraq, so our troops can come home and we can rebuild our military back to its peak strength and fighting trim. I don't have that strategy. Unfortunately, I don't think Bush does, either.

The elections present us with an enormous opportunity to turn things around in Iraq. Most Iraqis still want us to get out, but if they see us as protecting the government they elected, and we present them with a set of criteria for our withdrawal, I think they will accept our presence there for some time.

Juan Cole also has a great idea: a staggered withdrawal.

I suggested on the Lehrer News Hour on Monday that now would be a good time for the Coalition forces to simply withdraw from Basra province. There don't seem to me to be the kind of violent incidents in Basra that require the British presence. Surely the Iraqi forces could deal with it, especially since the Shiites of the south are likely to be loyal to an elected government blessed by Grand Ayatollah Sistani. If foreign troops were removed from Basra, it would be an important step toward full resumption of sovereignty by Iraq.

Another benefit to this plan is that the Coalition could increase troop strength in the areas where security is still non-existent.


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