
Golden Arch-holes

I sort of thought I'd seen it all. Then I found out that Mcdonalds is advertising on kids report cards.


Rove gives a freebie to Obama

One really has to wonder why Karl Rove is dishing out campaign advice to Obama, particularly when it is spot on.


Bye, Rudy

Rudy Giuliani made New York cops walk his adulterous lover's dog? And billed it to the tax payers?

I'm really looking forward to seeing how he gets out of this one.


AntiAnti-Labor Forces “Get Away With Murder” After Katrina

The UpTake and Canadian journalist, Teresa Marshall, did a great job to capture this story on how local Louisiana labor was eviscerated by the Bush Administration in the wake of Katrina.

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I cannot imagine a greater monument to ignorance than the Creation Museum.


Open our wallet

Can we all stand in awe at what might have been?

Here's what the nation could buy with what we have spent on Iraq so far.


The Secret History of the Impending War with Iran...

Two of the highest-ranking Bush administration Middle East experts explain why this administration is probably clinically insane. On the day that Iran gave gave the Swiss Ambassador a dramatic proposal for peace to pass to the US:

A two-page summary was attached. Scanning it, Mann was startled by one dramatic concession after another -- "decisive action" against all terrorists in Iran, an end of support for Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, a promise to cease its nuclear program, and also an agreement to recognize Israel.

This was huge. Mann sat down and drafted a quick memo to her boss, Richard Haass. It was important to send a swift and positive response.

Then she heard that the White House had already made up its mind -- it was going to ignore the offer. Its only response was to lodge a formal complaint with the Swiss government about their ambassador's meddling.

United States of Torture

Just gotta ask:

Is this the kind of country you want to live in?